Website development


Not only effective, but also effective. You will have something to show your clients

From conception to visualization - just one stride.

On the web, attire matters like nowhere else. A website sporting a decade-old design is akin to someone donning a worn-out t-shirt and baggy sweatpants. Stay trendy—get your website a bespoke ensemble from Promodex.

Yet, it’s not solely about appearance. Crafting an interface meticulously is the designer’s duty, in collaboration with a marketer, copywriter, and developer. A holistic approach, encompassing design among other elements, is pivotal for triumph.

Furthermore, with the proliferation of mobile devices, responsive design has become essential. A website must adapt fluidly to different screen sizes and devices to ensure a consistent and enjoyable experience for users across platforms. By embracing responsive design practices, businesses can reach a broader audience and maximize their impact in an increasingly mobile-centric world.

Development technologies

Today, development technologies are an essential component in all areas of industry. They determine the pace of development, production efficiency, and product quality. Modern development technologies not only simplify the process of creating software but also significantly expand the capabilities of developers.

One of the most important trends in software development is the use of Agile and DevOps methods. Agile allows developers to work effectively on projects in a short time, quickly adapting to changes in customer requirements. DevOps, on the other hand, combines development and operations, helping to automate software deployment and support processes, which significantly reduces development time and improves product quality.

Another important technology is the use of cloud services. They provide developers with access to powerful tools and resources without significant hardware and infrastructure costs. This allows to quickly scale projects and provide a reliable infrastructure for real-time applications.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are also transforming the way software is developed. They allow automating processes, recognizing patterns, and making predictions, which makes developers’ work easier and increases productivity.

In general, modern development technologies create many opportunities for innovation and continuous growth in the field of software engineering. Using them allows you to create high-quality products that meet the needs of today and are ready for the challenges of the future.

Our works

Here's how our web studio, CLOSED LOOP LTD, approaches website development:

Preparation of Terms of Reference:

Just as having the right map is crucial to finding treasure, a well-crafted Terms of Reference (TOR) for website development ensures that the end result aligns with your initial expectations.

Prototyping (UX/UI)

Similar to building a house, creating a website requires careful planning. We develop prototypes for each section and page to lay the foundation for a user-friendly and intuitive experience.

Website Design Development (UX/UI)

Your website is your digital storefront, and first impressions matter. Our team crafts original designs that set your business apart from the competition, ensuring a captivating user experience.

Writing Content for the Site

Just as a well-chosen word stands out, compelling website content establishes a strong connection with your audience. We create engaging and effective content that resonates with your target market.

HTML Layout (Front-end)

Like assembling puzzle pieces, we integrate prototypes, stylistic elements, text, and images into a cohesive design. Our adaptive HTML layout ensures optimal display across devices and browsers.

Development, Programming, Coding (Back-end)

Behind every functional website is a complex system of code. Our developers write custom code to ensure your website performs flawlessly and meets your specific requirements.

Project Testing

Before launch, thorough testing is essential to identify and resolve any issues. We conduct rigorous testing under various conditions to ensure your website performs reliably and achieves its goals.


We take care of the final step in the process by selecting the best hosting solution for your website and ensuring a seamless transition to its new home on the server. Our goal is to deliver a fully functional and stable website that exceeds your expectations.

Turning ideas into innovations: into the future together with CLOSED LOOP LTD




Oluwamolawa Adesuyi

+44 2045772199


Flat 3 12 Hough Green
United Kingdom